Man Month 2012: Faith, Sex, God, and Manhood (Week 3)

In the week 3 session of Man Month, Ryan Naidl talks about our tendency to seek women in an attempt to satisfy us in a way only God can.
Watch this clip at 29:09 seconds:
Am I Pretty or Ugly?

Man Month 2012: Understanding Our Father (Week 2)

In the week 2 session of Man Month, Ryan Naidl talks about the wound dealt to us by our fathers and how understanding our heavenly Father allows us to overcome those wounds.
Watch this clip at 30 seconds:
Faramir and his father (Lord of the Rings)
Watch this clip at 31:26
Maximus understands his name (Gladiator)
You can stop watching after 1 minute.

The Gospel-Centered Life: Heart Idolatry (Jordan M, Week 6)

In week 6 of our The Gospel-Centered Life series, Jordan Mancl talked about how our surface sins are really just signs that we have heart idols (anything we put before Jesus) in our lives.
[audio:|titles=The Gospel-Centered Life – Heart Idolatry]